Waterfall vs. Agile vs. DevOps – Which Production Method is Best?
Waterfall vs Agile vs DevOps The production method you choose can have a huge impact on your business stakeholders. Making the wrong decision not only results in wasted time but can also lead to a lot of frustration. One of the most common production methods is agile, which has been around for years. This technique […]
Microservices Architecture [Complete Guide 2023] | Cloudstorks
Microservices Architecture Microservices are a relatively new software architectural style that promises to improve scalability, resiliency, and maintainability. In this article, we’ll talk about the benefits of microservices architecture and how it can be used to deliver larger applications. What is Microservices Architecture? In a nutshell, an independent microservice is an autonomous application that implements […]
What is a Dockerization, & How is it different than a Virtual Machine
Dockerization Vs Virtual Machine Virtual Machines are nothing new. You can find them anywhere from your desktop to your phone, but what is a Dockerization? What is a Dockerization Dockerization is when an application’s built-in dependency on a package or operating system is replaced with an environment variable. This allows for the minimized deployment, reproducibility, […]